Just imagine...
...absolutely hypothetically, as kind of thought experiment: if there ever was a new version of Antville, if that was conceivable at all—which changes, improvements and extensions would be needed most urgently, would be desired with deepest longing by the worshipped Antville community?
(Note: please spread the word in your weblogs and among your honorable readers.)
For videos.antville - some sort of organized search feature for old music video threads where you could look up by band, title or director. Tags might help for this.
tobi Verwaltung
as both, better search capabilites as well as tags, have been requested more than twice, I guess this will come to videos.antville.org, too.
Antville seems to always be down between 9-11pm EST (I think that's 1-3am GMT). Could that be fixed? That's pretty urgent.
It was mentioned recently to have a second column of classifieds or 'quickies' a la motionographer.
We also had an idea to have the most essential or popular videos.antville posts listed on the side, although videoville does take care of that to an extent.
otc: videos.antville used to have tags but they didn't seem to pan out.
Cheers on your work, tobi :)
rss 2.0 feed (mit media enclosures) - muss z zeit über andere geschustert werden...
such-möglichkeit nach autor
lightbox für videos
mp3 die in-line spielen
post oder comment als eigener favorit markieren zu können
most active posts (stories) liste
recent comments (updates) liste inklusive post-titel
ich denk noch mal weiter drüber nach.
tobi Verwaltung
Was ist eine lightbox für videos?
Was bezweckt eine Story bzw. ein Kommentar, die/der als eigener favorit markiert ist?
Wie wird most active definiert?
Ist mit recent comments gemeint, dass alle Kommentare eines Users aufgelistet werden?
Zum letzten Punkt: Ich vermute, er meint etwas, das ich auch manchmal vermisse, nämlich die Kommentare in der Recently-Modified-Liste nach den Stories gruppieren zu können, zu denen sie gehören (ich hatte da mal ein Provisorium gebastelt).
tobi Verwaltung
Sorry for that everyday downtime. AFAIK this is due to the daily backup which is running at night CET when it's day in many other places.
Of course this is annoying for those people at the latter. Will have to crunch my head about a solution for this is tricky.
Re "quickies": is this content coming from a different site, or RSS feed or what?
lightbox: bei virb.com (und ich meine auch metafilter) haben beispiele davon: embedded (flash) videos werden in einer dunklen überlage abgespielt (ohne das der browser eine neue seite oder tab aufmacht); womöglich auch für mov's machbar
eigener favorit: ähnlich wie bei metafilter, hat man dadurch einfachen rückgriff auf allen seine lieblingsstories (statt dass man sie bei del.icio.us notieren muss, oder gar - ächz - erinnern...)
most active - gute frage. welche die meisten comments in den letzten 12 stunden bekommen hat könnte das sein. oder sonst most referred.
recent comments: nein. nir dass die liste die hier recent updates heisst (auf videos.ant recent comments) den jeglichen post titel aufführt (damit man gleich sieht, wer zu welcher geschichte kommentiert.
andere wünsche, auf videos.ant gesammelt:
vs: I mentioned this in another thread, but I think it would be great if there were a kind of live ticker that showed the latest items from some of the other sites that antvillians frequent. shots ring out, 30f, video static, obtusity, videology etc. While I love what all of these sites do, often times their posting here pushes videos further down and sometimes even off the page.
It may also be interesting to be able to check how many views a single post gets, and could perhaps help decide on monthly and yearly tops lists.
tommito: • u2b filter (turn on/off) • dig up/down for comments • threaded/flat view • top posts/activities for the day • post from cellphones: mobile.antville.org
i want this by... next week, k? thx bye!
lex halaby: Would love to see more than 3 or 4 words in the "most recent" posts list. Almost might be nice to see what posts the comments are being posted on. I find the search to usually not be too helpful, so maybe some revision to that. Lastly, would be great if as a user you could "ADD VIDEO AS FAVORITE" so if I ever want to just browse through my favorites from the site I can do it easily. But most of all, if it's not broke then dont fix it...so with many features I wouldn't change a whole lot.