Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2007

Antville is looking forward to your donation

(Deutsche Fassung)

Ten reasons to support Antville.

Please use one of the three transfer methods below.

1. Domestic bank transfer Recommended for everbody having an austrian bank account.

Empfänger (recipient) Tobi Schäfer

Bankverbindung (banking account) Bank: PSK Wien Bankleitzahl (bank code): 60.000 Kontonummer (account number): on request

Verwendungszweck (note to payee) Antville donation

2. EU standard bank transfer Recommended for citizens of the European Union with a Euro (€) account; fees should not be higher than with a domestic bank transfer.

Recipient country Austria (AT)

Bank address BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft Seitzergasse 2–4 1010 Wien

IBAN (International bank account number) on request

BIC (Bank identifier code) OPSKATWW

Account holder Tobi Schäfer Wilhelm-Exner-Gasse 14/5 1090 Vienna, Austria

Note to payee Antville donation

3. PayPal (not necessarily recommended) Probably the best method for citizens outside the European Union or without a Euro (€) account, though...

Simply click the button below to get to the secure donation form at the PayPal website.

Please note the transaction fees of approx. 5% PayPal will subtract from your donation value.

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