Dienstag, 22. April 2008

First preview

There's now a test installation of Antville 1.2 running on another server.

Feel free (or rather: feel kindly asked) to check out your own or your favorite weblog. Your login should work there, too.

Note: The database snapshot of the test installation was reduced to content created between 1 January 2008 and 14 April 2008.

You might notice that not everything is fine. In fact, the whole thing could even crash ingloriously.

Don't worry – that's OK at least when you let me know about your findings, no matter how unimportant it might appear to you.

Please provide a URL which shows the (mis)behaviour and a sufficient description of what you have done.

I might know about a lot of issues already, though, but that should not hold you back at all. I am convinced there are still many uncovered bugs in the open.

Thus, please post your observations, questions and excitement right down below in the comments.

Well, here's the URL:

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