Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

Backing up

Hello again in 2008, ahead we go!

I am currently testing a new backup system for all the holy images, files and layouts of the honorable users.

Since moving the server to the new location there wasn't made any backup (except for the MySQL database) because the old backup service is not available anymore and a new one would be pretty expensive.

I decided to backup those files to my own server for now using BackupPC which I am already using for my own stuff. It's a nice piece of software, open and free.

The full backup of the files is running since 21:15h CET – 14 GB of data are transferred through the network right now!

Thus, you might experience some slow responses or Count Maximum Thread might show up again.

Update: As of 18 Jan, 08:18h CET it's still running, currently grabbing the images of mks. If that seems a bit sluggish that's due to the backup process being very nice to the overall CPU activities on Elise.

As soon as this first full backup is complete, however, further incremental backups shouldn't cause any such stir again.

For the long run we need to find a different backup solution, though, since I cannot guarantee my server being around all the time...

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