Freitag, 24. August 2001


some things i noticed while creating this weblog:

it's so coooooool! a big hug to the developers. :)

the hash in color values is hard-coded. bad for clear text color names like "red" etc.

the birthdate year pop-up starts with 2000. i am only looking that young.

generation of thumbnail failed for image with a width of 1: Runtime error Error in java method resize Caused by exception: Width (0) and height (100) must be non-zero

i wish there was a style parameter in the link macro...

i know i might be annoying, but there are still too many skins around here from the beginning. if they were optional, no problem. but i would like to set-up the main html frame, and then only one story and one comment that will be used wherever possible. also the calender should be placed once in the global or weblog main skin, just like the history. i deeply believe that everything would become much easier esp. for beginners.

especially notice how often one has to arrange a custom date format.

could it be that some form buttons won't work when they are assigned values different from the default settings?

the skin editors should wrap text around by default, it's more comfortable than having to scroll.

it seems to me as if e.g. the story.main skin is not embedded into weblog.main which would make sense imho. i had to copy parts of weblog.main into story.main, but only parts: e.g. weblog.header was not necessary. i suggest that we really should think about a smarter hierarchy for the skins.

i got a macro error when clicking on the weblog.href skin link: [HopMacro error: FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error The function 'renderSkin' is not defined for object '' detected at line 32 of function 'skineditor_macro' in file: '/usr/local/hop/apps/antville/skinmgr/macros.js']

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