Testing, testing, 1, 2...
Finally, the Parss client for Antville has arrived here at antville.org as a completely rewritten version 2.
The client enables Antville users to subscribe to RSS news feeds and easily include feed items in postings to their own weblog.
It's not yet ready for prime-time but I am inviting every antville weblog owner to test it here and help me finding those tiny little bugs to make this a perfect piece of software.
Simply locate your browser to your weblog's base URL (http://[alias].antville.org) and add /feeds/manage after it.
Example: help.antville.org
From there, enter any RSS URL into the input field. You can find these URLs linked with these tiny orange XML buttons most of the time.
Example: help.antville.org
You also can take a look at which feeds any other Antville user has subscribed so far. E.g. this is the restricted view on my personal feeds.
Furthermore, there is a generic Feedviewer that can be used by anyone (even unregistered visitors at antville.org) to include little boxes containing a feed's items in any webpage (even apart from antville.org).
Feel free to post your comments and observations below this story. And have fun!
congrats, tobi! parss is simply wonderful!
but who says, that a quote has to stop after xlines? is it you? is it me?
nice tool, congrats!!
tobi Verwaltung
that's what i like to find out with testing it.
and thanks for the congrats.
as i see it at Catfish in the Memepool i suggest it is the owner, but as you are the owner of toblerone ...
congrats from here, too. Very nice work.
till now I used to avoid every kind of rss-feed-things.
But this way really fits my kind of laziness according to these gadgets. Thanks, Tobi!
Wow, that "post"-function rocks! Thanks.
this rock-di-rockety-rocks!
Danke! Danke! Danke!
if I only could get it working - subscribing to any feed ends up in "Connection refused". If I use ur www.antville.org it works.
tobi Verwaltung
with parss server in the last hour... pls. try again and let me know if the problem persists.
thanks that did it ...
ist zwar geschmackssache, aber ich frage mich gerade, ob man auch unter /feed/manage die ansicht nach uhrzeit und nicht nach dem alphabet ordnen könnte.alles zurück, entdecke gerade die vorteile dieser methode.ichichich
First, a big "Thank You" for this great feature!
Nevertheless, two questions:
Is there a way to view the corresponding URL of a subscribed feed? There are feeds with individually configured content, like this one, and it would be nice, if the URL could be viewed, changed (or copied to another reader) after subscription.
And: Do yo plan user editable skins for the feed?
tobi Verwaltung
Currently, there is no such a link to the feed URL itself, at leats not by default.
Skin editing should be already possible, however, it's not supported by a nice and cozy link from within the skin editor.
i don't get my feeds lately. the last entries are from the 15th 00.58 ¿?¿
me neither, same date
flutscht wieder ;)
hm, es flutscht was, aber ich kann es nicht sehen, kriege jetzt eine blütenweise seite.
tobi Verwaltung
sorry for the inconveniences. should be going again right now.
yo, works now. and all time you need for digging. tnx a lot 4 this
hallo tobi, ich hab grad bei ronsens.antville.org damit rumgespielt. nach dem ca. vierten eingegeben rss-feed bekomme ich jetzt bei /manage/feeds nur noch folgende fehlermeldung:
An error occurred while processing your request:
TypeError: Cannot read property "creator" from null (ParssClient-2.0.2.zip/FeedSubscrMgr/FeedSubscrMgr.js; line 165)
tobi Verwaltung
kann den Fehler derzeit nich entdecken. Sieht alles gut aus, im Feedmanager von ronsens.antville.