Sonntag, 13. April 2008

No promise, but...

To keep you alert and planned ahead please expect some possibly longer outages due to maintenance work beginning next week-end, 19/20 April 2008, until the first weeks of May 2008 (if the prophecies are correct).

I will keep you updated about more specific schedules ASAP.

Furthermore, I am currently (ie. right now) testing various issues concerning setup and the like. Thus, errors or short outages could occur at any time.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008
Montag, 18. Februar 2008

Outage from 17 Feb 15:00 – 18 Feb 09:46 was not reachable for more than 18 hours due to an initial failure I still have to fully understand. (Of course this was not the plan!)

However, that it took that long is because I was not even able to remotely connect to Elise for a reboot.

And since there is no free week-end service at the new housing provider I decided not to pay the fee for having a technician go on-site by purpose but wait until the next working day.

I am not very happy with this situation neither and will apply for access to the server farm ASAP to at least be able to go there myself in case such an event should occur again.

Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

Short outage today

Due to an unknown reason was not reachable between ~10:15 and ~12:40 CET today.

(And a reboot of Elise was the only way to bring it online again...)

Update: It happened again (18:30–19:30h), but at least no reboot was necessary. This time it was enough to restart the Helma process.

However, some shit hits the fan here. I am pretty clueless. There are some obscure log messages in helma.server.log; could it be someone is trying to exploit a bug in Jetty or the Java Runtime?

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

Backing up

Hello again in 2008, ahead we go!

I am currently testing a new backup system for all the holy images, files and layouts of the honorable users.

Since moving the server to the new location there wasn't made any backup (except for the MySQL database) because the old backup service is not available anymore and a new one would be pretty expensive.

I decided to backup those files to my own server for now using BackupPC which I am already using for my own stuff. It's a nice piece of software, open and free.

The full backup of the files is running since 21:15h CET – 14 GB of data are transferred through the network right now!

Thus, you might experience some slow responses or Count Maximum Thread might show up again.

Update: As of 18 Jan, 08:18h CET it's still running, currently grabbing the images of mks. If that seems a bit sluggish that's due to the backup process being very nice to the overall CPU activities on Elise.

As soon as this first full backup is complete, however, further incremental backups shouldn't cause any such stir again.

For the long run we need to find a different backup solution, though, since I cannot guarantee my server being around all the time...

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007

Endless Summer

Some happy last days of 2007 and an excellent start into the New Year 2008 to all Antville users and lovers out there.

See you around, Tobi

Dienstag, 27. November 2007 Tag Cloud

KenoshaKid has done a fine job and produced an easy-to-insert tag cloud showing the sites according to their updates.

But beware, adventurer: it's still beta – and tag clouds are the new mullets, anyway.

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