Samstag, 26. Mai 2007

You can help promoting ASOC’07

Here are some graphics, buttons and donation counters in various styles – together with their corresponding Antville macros.

You can help promoting the fundraising for ASOC’07 by choosing one of them and putting the macro in your weblog.

If you don't like any of the available designs, feel free to contribute your own creation!

1. Gaudy donations Contributed by ichichich.

Macro: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

2. Noble support Contributed by svenk and kathleen.

Macro: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

3. Simply Antville

Macro: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

4. Micropayments

Macro: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: support]

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